MobaXterm 8.5 で Mosh クライアントが使えず困っていたので、そのときに調べたことのメモをここに書いておきます。まぁ調べたあげく、再起動したら直った、という落ちなのですが、症状や、ログの見方に気が付いたところあたりはメモっておくと良さそうなので、メモメモ。
最近ずっとオススメしている、おすすめの高機能SSHクライアント「MobaXterm」の使い方(基本編)" title="機能を詰め込みまくったSSHクライアントMobaXterm">機能を詰め込みまくったSSHクライアントMobaXterm。このMobaXtermで遭遇した不具合について。SSH接続ではなく、Mosh接続の話です(SSH接続の代わりに、最近はこれを使っている)。
MobaXterm からMosh(Mobile SSH)のコネクションを開くと、コンソールに一切何も表示されません。待てど暮らせど、です。
その何も表示されないコンソール画面を右クリックすると、「Event Log」という項目が、一番下にありました。
2016-01-13 01:38:39 Starting MoTTY (2015-11-28) 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Initializing backend... 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Session initialization... 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Opening socket... 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Starting local proxy command: C:\Users\did2\AppData\Local\Temp\Mxt85\bin\cygtermd.exe /home/mobaxterm /bin/bash -l -i -c "moshsession \"ほすとめい\" \"ゆーざーめい\" \"ぽーとばんごう\" \"auto\" \"adaptive\" \"mosh-server\" \"automatic\" 'X:\freeware\MobaXterm\sshkey\main\id_rsa' " 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Initializing option states... 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: WILL NAWS 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: WILL TSPEED 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: WILL TTYPE 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: WILL NEW_ENVIRON 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: DO ECHO 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: WILL SGA 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: DO SGA 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Setting up SYNCH state... 2016-01-13 01:38:39 End of session initialization. 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Backend initialized... 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Connecting terminal to the backend... 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Setting up ldisc... 2016-01-13 01:38:39 Ready to peek messages. 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: WILL ECHO 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: WILL SGA 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: DO SGA 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: DO NAWS 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: SB NAWS 138,52 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: DO TTYPE 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: DO NEW_ENVIRON 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: DONT TSPEED 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: SB TTYPE SEND 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: SB TTYPE IS XTERM 2016-01-13 01:38:39 server: SB NEW_ENVIRON SEND 2016-01-13 01:38:39 client: SB NEW_ENVIRON IS: 2016-01-13 01:38:39 LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 2016-01-13 01:38:39 LANGUAGE=ja_JP.UTF-8 2016-01-13 01:38:39 LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 2016-01-13 01:38:39 LOCALE=ja_JP.UTF-8 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: 1 [main] cygtermd (15752) C:\Users\did2\AppData\Local\Temp\Mxt85\bin\cygtermd.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xFB5400/0xD15400. 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL. 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should* 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: are unable to find another cygwin DLL. 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: 2 [main] cygtermd 9992 fork: child -1 - forked process 15752 died unexpectedly, retry 36000, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11 2016-01-13 01:38:39 proxy: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
1 [main] cygtermd (15752) C:\Users\did2\AppData\Local\Temp\Mxt85\bin\cygtermd.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0xFB5400/0xD15400. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you
are unable to find another cygwin DLL.
2 [main] cygtermd 9992 fork: child -1 - forked process 15752 died unexpectedly, retry 36000, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11
fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Windows 10 最新版、最近OS大きくアップデートしたばっかりだからそれかなぁ、と。ノートPCでもデスクトップPCでも前にも起こった気がするので(そのときは代わりにSSHを使っていた)、そのあたりも今後の参考になりそうです(どちらもWindows 10 の Cortana アップデート直後)。